Focus and Expertise
We work only in our areas of expertise – we will never pretend to be something we’re not.

Bodily Injury
Optimum solutions for liabilities arising from claims for bodily injury to crew and passengers.

Mitigate losses, maximize recoveries and expedite claim closure through a transparent adjustment process.

Casualty Management
Rapid action to deal with major casualties and navigate the complexities of competing interests and General Average.

Marine Liability
Quickly assess and minimize claims, ensure informed reserving and collaborate with third parties.

Subrogation & Recoveries
Resolute, realistic and proportionate recovery action against third party carriers and insurers.

Third Party Claims
Effective and immediate response to third party claims for cargo loss, damage or bodily injury.

Salvage Sales
Sales and disposals of damaged cargo.

Contract Advice
Interpretation, review and advice on policy conditions, trading conditions and customer contracts.